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Showing 1 to 10 of 64 posts.

Central Bank Digital Currencies Emerging in the Caribbean
April 6th, 2021

Central Bank Digital Currencies Emerging in the Caribbean

Many countries in the Caribbean have central banks currently working on CBDCs, including the Bank of Jamaica, The Central Bank of the Bahamas and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. CBDCs act as an opportunity for central banks to provide a technologically advanced representation of central bank currency. 

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First Bitcoin ETF Launched in North America
March 20th, 2021

First Bitcoin ETF Launched in North America

The first publicly traded bitcoin exchange fund has been launched in the world, giving investors a more direct way to invest in bitcoin. This fund is different from a derivative or futures contract, as every time someone puts money into the ETF, bitcoin is purchased.

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Decentralised Finance in Blockchain-Based Financial Markets

Decentralised Finance in Blockchain-Based Financial Markets

Decentralised Finance is a blockchain-based financial infrastructure that has been built on top of the Ethereum Blockchain and uses smart contracts to offer protocols in a more transparent and open manner.

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Gemini Launches First Interest-Earning Crypto Program in the U.S.
March 9th, 2021

Gemini Launches First Interest-Earning Crypto Program in the U.S.

Gemini Earn is a new program that allows customers to earn interest on the 30 different cryptocurrencies. This program will run as part of the Gemini platform and will enable customers to transfer or purchase crypto and send it to Gemini Earn. Interest is compounded daily for any period of time, and no minimum balance is required.

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Under New Bill, Nevada Tech Companies Could Form Local Governments
March 1st, 2021

Under New Bill, Nevada Tech Companies Could Form Local Governments

A bill proposing new "innovation zones" in Nevada would allow tech companies to create their own governments and neighbourhood communities in the state. This comes after COVID-19 has amplified the California mass exodus to places like Nevada, Texas and Colorado. 

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Japan Prepares for Central Bank Digital Currency Pilot Program
February 8th, 2021

Japan Prepares for Central Bank Digital Currency Pilot Program

As the acceleration towards a cashless society becomes more prevalant, many central banks are exploring the option of central bank digital currencies. Japan has recently released a report on their three-phase approach.

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Nexus Mutual Launches Crypto Asset Custody Coverage

Nexus Mutual Launches Crypto Asset Custody Coverage

Nexus Mutual has introduced custody cover for centralized exchange accounts in addition to their decentralized protocol. This new development will take covers against hacks to Binance, Coinbase, Gemini and Kraken.

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The Bitcoin White Paper
January 28th, 2021

The Bitcoin White Paper

In response to legal threats of copyright infringement for hosting the Bitcoin white paper, and received support from many prominent Bitcoin voices. Government officials and crypto firms, including Facebook subsidiary Novi, have continued to host this white paper on their websites to demonstrate support for the nonprofit. 

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Are We Ready for Self-Driving Banks?
January 11th, 2021

Are We Ready for Self-Driving Banks?

Similar to how automotive laws, such as speed limits and turn signals, have been designed to protect against dangerous drivers and not dangerous cars, legacy banking regulations seek to regulate bankers, not banks. Blockchain technology and decentralised finance are delivering banking services through "self-driving banks", and regulators should revisit what a regulatory framework would look like in this new world.

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Blockchain Platform Telos Launches Decentralised Finance Tool For Unlocking Liquidity
January 9th, 2021

Blockchain Platform Telos Launches Decentralised Finance Tool For Unlocking Liquidity

Telos announces a new tool, T-Bond NFTs, which combines Decentralized Finance and non-fungible tokens to create locked tokens that are only unlocked when a maturity date is reached or other specified conditions are met. 

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